Robert L. Tankel P.A.

1022 Main Street , Suite D

Dunedin , Fl 34698


July 11, 2007


RE:  Your correspondence of July 10, 2007


Dear Mr. Tankel:


Apparently, you are operating without all the facts in this matter.  Any claimed “clerical error” was supposedly found as a result of an illegal, and I mean statutory violation of election procedures by Mr. Rosen, Mr. Kral, and Mr. Keller.  If you are representing these individuals as individuals, I will be happy to deal with you as intermediary.  However, since my petition for arbitration does not mention the Association that you claim you represent, you really do not have authority to interfere unless one of the respondents hires you individually.


To go over the actual facts:  There was a valid election; the votes were tallied, not once but twice by two different people; then the votes verified by Tom Lyons (since the President was not in attendance); and the winners were announced.  The “officially” announced vote showed that Mr. Kral lost.  There was an immediate violation of East Linden by-laws when the Board failed to hold its organizational meeting immediately following the close of the election (as had been done in previous years).  That is a violation of By-Laws Article VII.  The next violation occurred when Mr. Kral, who was no longer Secretary, took custody of the official voting materials.  The materials should have remained in the custody of the election committee, as specified in the East Linden Estates Election Guidelines until such time as a new Secretary was chosen.  This also was not done.


The next violation occurred when Mr. Rosen credited Mr. Kral with a “found” vote, after the close of the election.  Again, this was in violation of ELE By-laws and ELE Election Guidelines.  This vote should never have been counted, especially without the full election committee and full Board present.  Since NO organizational meeting was held, Mr. Rosen was NOT President and, therefore, he had NO authority to make any such determination.


The third and greatest violation in my opinion and in the opinion of two different “experts” on HOA arbitration was the fact that Mr. Rosen, Mr. Kral, and Mr. Keller opened and disturbed official election materials without notifying any other Board members, or the election committee.  They did this in private at the residence of Mr. Kral, who at this point was not even a Board member.  The opening, contaminating, and possible altering of the ballots during this “meeting” renders any supposed “clerical error” moot.  Mr. Kral should have followed the law and filed for arbitration with the election materials still sealed and in custody of the impartial election committee.  Acting together but without full Board or election committee approval or oversight, this group of individuals accessed election materials, then “found” errors and new votes, thereby rendering the validity of the entire election in question.  Previous arbitration case law supports me in this matter.


Since you are a HOA “expert.” you should be aware of the rulings of Arbitrator Mnookin and F.S. 720 regarding elections which state in part that once an election is over, ANY dispute must be filed for arbitration with the Division by the offended party.  No arbitration was filed, but Mr Kral took it upon himself with the help of Mr. Rosen and Mr. Keller to pollute the election materials by accessing them and doing who knows what with the ballots.  If these individuals are indeed you personal clients, I would advise you to consult them and discuss whether or not these violations did indeed occur.  (Remember I have witnesses to the election and a Board member who will give testimony to NEVER having been consulted on any of these matters.) 


If Mr. Rosen, Mr. Kral, and Mr. Keller are honest with you and tell you how these events did indeed occur, then you ought to retract your inflammatory statements and threats toward me.  Otherwise, you may again find yourself facing an ethics complaint for giving misleading and false information to clients and for unauthorized billing of my Association.  Mr. Tankel, the people mentioned above are wrong; they committed numerous violations of Florida Statutes and Association by-laws; and now run to you to protect them.  I remind you, my petition is not inclusive of the Association, only certain individuals who acted outside their fiduciary duties as Board members and I have asked the arbitrator to not include the Association but only those individuals involved in the violations.


I would also counsel you against using Association money and billable hours to defend individuals and not Board members per se.  I happen to know for a fact that the ELE Board of Directors did NOT authorize you to contact me.  Mr. Rosen alone or in conjunction with Mr. Kral (who is NOT a Board member under the law) did so on their own without a formal vote of the Board.  Since there has been NO organizational meeting within the 30-day period specified by law, Mr. Rosen is acting as a Board member. 


Mr. Rosen is NOT President and, therefore, he has NO authority to hire anyone.


David B. Parker

12470 Winston Court

Spring Hill , Fl 34609


David B. Parker

12470 Winston Court

Spring Hill, Fl 34609


23 August 2007

Hon. Bruce A Campbell, Arbitrator

Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Arbitration Section

1940 North Monroe St .

Tallahassee , Fl 32399-1029


RE:  Parker v East Linden Estates HOA Case# 2007-04-5781


            Dear Mr. Campbell,


            Please find enclosed copies of certified letters which were sent to East Linden Estates Board of Directors outlining written notice to the Association of my dispute, my basis for relief, and what would occur if the specified relief was not granted by the Board.  In addition I was contacted by Mr Robert Tankel, and attorney who attempted to get me to drop any legal proceedings and my response to him is also attached.  This is clarification that I properly adhered to all prerequisites per your letter.  I did not attach the information you requested upon filing until you made your determination as to jurisdiction.  The enclosed letters should more than suffice the requirements you laid out.


            Additionally, even though you believe that the Association should be the respondent, if you had read thru my petition you would have realized that I really have no argument with my Association, but with the four individual respondents, who acted as residents and in no official capacity whatsoever as Directors.  These individuals accessed, tampered with, and possibly manipulated official East Linden Estate Election materials without Board oversight, approval, or consultation.  They acted entirely as individual residents who violated the law and tried to change the officially announced outcome of a duly held election.  They then attempted to hide behind the mantra of the Association to shield themselves from legal responsibility for their actions even after being notified that the individual actions if sanctioned by the Board were direct violations of election protocol and Florida Statutes.


            Therefore, I again request you assistance in righting this wrong.  My failure to include copies of these letters should not be grounds for letting people get away with manipulating an election for their benefit.  I patiently await your response.


              Sincerely Yours,



              David B. Parker



East Linden Estates election embroiled in controversy  

East Linden Estates to hold new election