CCFJ invites you to please RSVP for PM-EXPO Magic.

It's Wednesday, Oct. 2 at Central Florida Fairgrounds. Don't forget to say hello to Jan Bergemann and others at Booth 106.


There are plenty of prizes plus a chance to win $25,000. Meet former Orlando Magic star Nick Anderson courtesy of sponsor Mark Bogen


CAMs and community association volunteers attend relevant seminars, get free 1-on-1 advice from experts on the expo floor and taste great foods. Please register to attend.

Relevant seminars include:

  • 2014 Legal Update - Mark Bogen, Bogen Law Group - 2 CEU (LU) - includes all recent legislation. Listen to a presentation of all the new laws that passed in 2013. HALL A -- 2:45 – 4:45 PM
  • COLLECTIONS - Mitch Drimmer, AFS, 1 CEU - empower you community to collect what is owed. HALL A -- 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
  • INSURANCE FOR ASSOCIATIONS, Star Herbig, HIG Insurance - 1 CEU (IFM) - pricing & budgeting, common coverage mistakes, trends.
  • LANDLORD TENANT LAW REVIEW - Kevin Fabrikant, Fabrikant & Hernandez, clarifies confusing aspects of Fair Housing & Eviction law 
  • ASPHALT 101, Martin Applebaum, Driveway Maintenance - 1 CEU (OPP)
  • Elevator Basics, Lee Rigby, Vertical Assessment - 1 CEU (OPP) 
  • register for classes, see times & more info  

Join us at Central Florida Fairgrounds. In case you're not familiar with the Center, it's an inviting facility and parking is free. 


Education & networking should be fun & free! 



Feel free to call us - 407.655.9031