Relationship between Homeowners and Administrations living in regulated properties

You have been chosen at random to participate in a Survey about families living in regulated properties such as Homeowners Associations.You are not required to identify yourself. The survey information or results will not be used for promotion.This is a socio-economic survey; what is really important is your honest response.

Male: ___ Female: ___HO: ____ADM: ____

Married: __Single: ___ Widow: ___ Single parent: ___Disabled: ___Retired: ____

White: ___Black: ___ Hispanic: ___ Age: ___ # of members in your household: ____

Household income: $25,000 or below:___$25,000-$35,000:___$35,000-$45,000: ___

$45,000-$55,000: ___$55,000-$65,000: ___$65,000 or over: ___

_____________________________________# of units in the complex: ____# of buildings: ____

Would you provide your Association’s name?

City: ____________ County: _________________# of years living in the present property: ____ 

1) When you purchased your unit, did you read the association’s documents (bylaws, article of incorporation):Yes: ___ No: ___, if no, explain: _________________________________________

2)If the answer to question# 1 is yes, did you understand them?Yes: ___ No: ___

3) Do you know where your documents are today?Yes: ___ No: ___

4) How would you rate the relationship of the Board of Directors with the homeowners?

Good: ____ Fair. ____ Unfair.____ Dictatorial type.____ Tyrannical type. _____


5) In you opinion, how does the Board of Directors enforce the bylaws and rules?

Equally to everyone: ___ Selectively to some owners only. ___

Enforcements are in accordance to the covenant?Yes. ____ No. ____

6) In your personal opinion, how does the Board of Directors look after the best interest of the homeowners? _____________________________________________________________________

7) In which ways does your board members display honesty and good ethics?


8) In which way does your HOA Manager display honesty and good ethics?


9) How would you rate your HOA manager’s relationship with the homeowners?

Good: ____ Fair: ____ Unfair: ____ Dictatorial type: ____ Tyrannical type: ____

Relationship between Homeowners and Administrations living in regulated Properties. Continue,

page 2

10) Are you aware of the existence of a State regulatory agency for regulated properties?

Yes. ___ No. ___

11) Have you ever had to file a complaint with the State regulatory Agency?

Yes: ___ No: ___

12) In which way do State regulatory agency protects you as a consumer?


13) Why did you choose to live in a regulated property?


14) If you could choose today, would you continue to live in your present property?

Yes: ____ No: ____

15) Are you aware that you may lose your property through foreclosure if you owe HOA fees?

Yes: ___No: ___

16) What type of disagreements have you experienced with the association’s management?


17)In youropinion who is most responsible for general association disputes?

The Homeowner: ___ The Board: ___ The Manager: ___ The HOA Attorney: ___

18)If you had a dispute with your association today requiring legal representation, can you afford an attorney to look after you interest?Yes: ____ No: ____


19) Do you think our legislators do care / don’t care about passing responsible and equitable laws relating to regulated properties leading to the protection of the homeowners?


The Legislators do care: ____ The Legislators don’t care: ____

20)Are elections in your association carried out free of irregularities? Please explain.


Thank you for participating in such an important survey. We appreciate your honest answers!


Please return to:

Humberto Sanchez

8421 NW 8th Street #101
Miami, Florida 33126

LULAC/ 2002 housing/ Survey - Prints on two Pages!