Alternative to courts is needed
Letter To Editor Sun-Sentinel

Karen Gottlieb 
dania beach 
Posted April 27, 2004
Thank you for covering upcoming legislation that will affect Floridians living in deed-restricted communities regarding Joe Kollin's report, "Homeowners rally against board abuse" (April 13). 

The people of Florida have spoken.

As a member of the Governors Task Force to reform homeowners associations, we traveled around the state and heard testimony. The stories are all different, but the main problem most people faced was the cost of litigation and the twisted legal maneuverings that go on in the legal system here in Florida. 

People need a place to go besides court for homeowners disputes. An ombudsman's office, as proposed for condo owners by state Rep. Julio Robaina, would fit the bill for people living in homeowners' associations as well. 

If I weren't just another victim, I would find some of these stories hard to believe, but I suffered three long years, spent $39,200 in legal fees and dealt with four different judges. Florida courts are overburdend.

As SB 2984 works its way through committees, I urge members of HOAs to contact their senators and ask that the bill be amended to include an ombudsman's office, a place to go besides court.