9 homeowners insurance companies to take over
400,000 Citizens policies |
Article Courtesy of WESH 2 NEWS
By Sheldon Dutes
Published August 7, 2024
ORLANDO -- Hundreds of thousands of homeowners who
have Citizens Insurance are waiting to find out if they’ll have to
switch their coverage to a private company.
According to Citizens and The Florida
Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), Commissioner Michael
Yaworksy recently approved the following 9 companies to take
over more than 400,000 Citizens’ policies:
Manatee Insurance Exchange: 78,000
Slide: 75,000
American Integrity: 65,880
Southern Oak: 50,000
Orion180 Select: 26,128
Florida Peninsula: 35,000
Monarch National: 30,000
Homeowners Choice: 25,000
TypTap: 25,000
This process of moving Citizens' home insurance
policyholders to private companies is called depopulation.
Here's how it works: Citizens will let you know that a private company
wants to take over your policy. If that private company's premium is
within 20% of your Citizens premium, you would no longer be eligible for
You don't necessarily have to go with that private company, but you'd no
longer be able to get coverage through Citizens.
All the private companies that take over Citizens’ policies must be
financially fit and approved by OIR.
Michael Peltier, a spokesperson for Citizens, told
WESH 2 News eligible policyholders could start finding out if they're
impacted later this month around August 28th.
“The take-out company immediately assumes the risk of the Citizens'
policy. The premium and coverage details stay the same until the
existing Citizens policy expires,” Peltier said.
The companies were approved to take over, or assume, Citizens’ policies
in late October.