This Time in North Carolina
Battle brews in south Charlotte over flying the American flag
Article Courtesy of - Charlotte, NC
A flag fight is taking place in south Charlotte. 

A family wants to keep their American flag flying high above their house. 

But their homeowner's association is ordering them to take it down or face a fine. 

Everywhere you look in the Mitchell Glen neighborhood you see American flags. But Tom Miron's flag flies much

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The homeowners
association wants
the flag to come down. 
higher than all the others. 

The retired U.S. Air Force veteran proudly displays his Old Glory from a 30-foot high flagpole. 

Miron put it up after September 11 to honor those killed in the terrorists attacks. Soon after, that the trouble began. 

“Two months after I put it up I got my first letter that said it was against the covenant and that it had to come down,” said Miron. 
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