Posted Thursday, 10 - 07 - 2004

By Anna Spinella

The Elder Justice Bill ( S-333) sponsored by Senator Breaux (LA) is pending in Congress (which expects to adjourn tomorrow)

This bill contains many very good provisions to protect the elderly. It has been 2+ years in the making. This is Senator Breaux's last term in office and if the bill does not pass now, it may be lost for a long time.

Sen. Bob Graham (FL) has added some amendments to the bill that threaten its passage, even though they might be good amendments. 

We have been told that if Sen. Graham does not withdraw the amendments, the Breaux bill will not pass, and a substitute bill -- not nearly as good -- will in all probability pass.

I have spoken to both Sen. Breaux's office (the Senate Special Committee on Aging) and to Sen. Graham's office. I have been told that Sen. Breaux has in fact requested Sen. Graham to withdraw 
the amendments. I don't know why they have not been withdrawn, except someone in Sen. Graham's office told me that it was some kind of misunderstanding. Sad to think a "misunderstanding" could prevent the passage of a good bill to protect elders. 

I have told Sen. Graham's office that if there is any indication that the continued press of the amendments will stop the Breaux bill from passing, those amendments should be withdrawn -- even 
though they might possibly strengthen the Breaux bill or make it better. 

If you are in agreement that the Breaux bill should pass (even without the Graham amendments), please let Sen. Graham's office know. PLEASE ASK that he withdraw the amendments. 

Sen.  Graham's number is (202) 224-3041 -- URGENT!